Panama Ship Registration

PMA Certification, Inc with special permission obtained by The Panama Maritime Authority and acting as resident agents through our lawyer company “PMA Certification Lawyers” we are duly authorized to register ships…

Issuance of Panama national licenses - Certificate of Competency (COC)

Having a Panamanian COC is important for seafarers wiling to extend their job opportunities since Panama has the largest registered fleet of ships in the world and Panama COC is worldwide recognized by other flag administrations.

Procedure for issuance of Panama Title Endorsement

Understanding the needs of the actual maritime industry, and specifically the problems you may encounter with applications…

Advantages of registering a ship in Panama

Panama is considered to be one “if not the best” place in the world to register ships. Once you apply on a Panama ship register service, ship owners will have the advantage of tax breaks that Panamanian law offers within the Panama Maritime Authorities and legislation.

Panama Ship registration

PMA Certification, Inc with special permission obtained by The Panama Maritime Authority and acting as resident agents through our lawyer company “PMA Certification Lawyers” we are duly authorized to register ships…

Pleasure vessels and Yachts Registration

The Panama Ship Registry offers flexible requirements and fees for those yachts registered under the flag.

Procedure for issuance of Panama Title Endorsement

Panama ships are subject to the provisions in acordance with the STCW 78 / 95 / 2010 Convention concerning the competency of officers and seamen.

Issuance of Panama national licenses (COC)

Please note that according to new policy The Panama Maritime Authority do not cary out assessments and do not issue new Panama COC anymore.

Issuance of Liberia national licenses (COC)

The Liberian Registry is the second largest in the world, with over 3200 ships of more than 100 million gross tons, which represents 10 percent of the world’s ocean-going fleet.


Honduras COC

Assessment for the rank and upgrade of rank of competence is evaluated and approved based on seafarer documents and sea service experience.



The Panama Maritime Authority (PMA) acknowledges recent reports regarding 68 Panamanian-flagged vessels listed in sanctions issued by the Office of...

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